I have not been newly diagnosed with some horrible illness nor do I have a death wish. I promise.
I do realize though, that death has played a part in my last couple of personal posts. Maybe it’s because I feared death with
Stout Creek Farm is a family-owned regenerative farm and ranch on 600 sprawling acres in Northeast Texas. We have dedicated ourselves to healing the land on our little piece of earth, while evoking the very best food from it. Our family is committed to raising and producing the best food possible for our family and yours.
All in life lessons
I have not been newly diagnosed with some horrible illness nor do I have a death wish. I promise.
I do realize though, that death has played a part in my last couple of personal posts. Maybe it’s because I feared death with
I’m a slow learner. I’ve been a regenerative farmer and rancher for just south of eight years. I am just now starting to get it.
Why won’t the cows stay behind their electric fences when we are thirty minutes from moving them. Why do the chickens stop laying eggs…
It’s been a hard week on the farm. We have had unexpected losses in our cow, goat, chicken, pig and even dog families. The immense rain over the last twenty-four hours hasn’t helped.
I am pretty sad, especially about our dog Cafe Ole’…
The sun hasn’t come up today yet, but the sunrise yesterday was extraordinary!
With that sunrise as a kick-starter, we immediately began…
It dropped 48 degrees from yesterday morning to this (Monday) morning. Sustained winds last night were 20-30 miles an hour…
It’s Christmas morning 2025 and yet it’s a strange one for our usually “all in” family. We did not put up any Christmas lights on the farm this year. We did not put up any reindeer decorations…
Broken bodies.
Broken relationships.
Broken environment…
It’s one of hottest summers on record. What in the world are we doing planting seeds and moving animals across the land everyday in this God-forsaken heat?…
I was on the way back from @goodlocalmarkets in Dallas to our farm this afternoon and I pulled over at a Buc-ee’s to jot some thoughts down. Here is what came out…